La Performance Thank You Very Much

Video completo de la performance / Complete video of the performance 

Thank you very much es una pieza duracional. Su objetivo principal es permitir entrar al publico en el espacio y el tiempo del mito. El Record Guinness de aplausos. Este suceso se convierte en un mito y queda reflejado en numerosos documentos contradictorios. La mayoría lo relatan de una manera vaga y con muchas contradicciones en relación a las fechas, la duración e incluso los protagonistas.

Thank you very much is a durational piece. Its main goal is leading the audience into the space and the time of the myth: The World Guinness Record of the applause. This event has become a myth reflected in many contradictory documents. The vast majority are written in a vague way and with many variations about the date of the event, the duration of the applause itself, the singers who were part of the Opera, etc.

Thank you very much tiene como punto de inicio la opera Ótelo de Verdi y más concretamente la representación que tuvo lugar el 30 de junio de 1991 en la Staatsoper de Viena y en la que los espectadores estuvieron aplaudiendo durante 80 minutos al acabar la obra. El uso del tiempo, las reacciones de los espectadores, el relato de un hecho histórico concreto a partir de diferentes documentos contradictorios entre sí, la propia historia del drama Otelo, la historia de los personajes superpuesta a la historia de Plácido Domingo y la historia de Vicente Arlandis.

Thank you very much has as starting point the opera Otello and more precisely the moment the spectators applauded when the opera was finished. These 80 minutes that supposedly lasted that applause are used in the piece as a temporary space to raise a number of issues related to the historical fact: the reactions of the audience, the incredible length of the applause, the specific context in which that occurred, the opera audience, the Otello’s plot, etc. Little by little all this information opens to more personal issues. The personal history of the performer finds its way to permeate the official history of the event.

El acontecimiento histórico
Vienna Staats Opera. Representación del Otello de Verdi. Última función de la temporada. 30 de junio de 1991. El público, unas 700 personas, aplaudieron después de la función de manera interrumpida durante 80 minutos. En el libro My Operatic Roles , encontramos un testimonio del barítono Sherrill Milnes, quien actuó junto a Domingo en la noche señalada:  “Nada más empezar sentimos una especie de electricidad en el aire, el sentimiento que esa noche las estrellas están en el sitio correcto, sternstunde (gran momento), como se dice exactamente en alemán, y al final del Acto II, el dueto entre Otelo - Lago, el público explotó, se puso como una fiera. Cuando acabó salimos a recibir los aplausos. Los solos, los de grupo, y después de media hora o 40 o 50 llamadas a escena, continuábamos allí. Ya por entonces estábamos cansados de sonreír, de la misma manera que sonríes cuando estás en la recepción de una boda, y después de una hora y veinte minutos y 101 llamadas a escena, nos fuimos!”.

The historic event
Vienna State Opera. Performance of the opera Otello by Verdi. Plácido Domingo as the main character. Last day of the season: 30 June 1991. The audience, about 700 people, applauded for 80 minutes nonstop after the performance. In the book My Operatic Roles, Sherrill Milnes, the baritone who appeared with Domingo remarked: "Right at the beginning we felt a kind of electricity in the air, the feeling that that night the stars were in the right place, Sternstunde, as they say in German, and at the end of Act II, the duet between Othello - Lake, the audience exploded, it became like a beast. When we went over the applause. The solo, group, and after half an hour or 40 or 50 calls on scene, we continued there. Back then we were tired of smiling, the way you smile when you're at a wedding reception, and after an hour and twenty minutes and 101 curtain calls, we went out! ".

Fotografías de la performance. 
Festival BAD Bilbao. Octubre 2009. Sala Carme, Valencia 2010.

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Serie de 18 vídeos: Aplausos

• Aplausos. (18 videos).

Durante un año le pide a diferentes artistas, director@s y coreógraf@s que me dejen aparecer en el instante de los aplausos saludando con los intérpretes como si fuera uno más de ellos. Esta serie está compuesta por 18 acciones grabadas en vídeo. En todas ellas siempre llevo puesta una camiseta amarilla para ser reconocido rápidamente y subrayar la propia acción.
Estas acciones han sido realizadas en diferentes ciudades y teatros de España, Portugal y Perú mientras estaba viajando y trabajando con otros proyectos (Valencia, Granollers, Terrassa, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Donosti-San Sebastián, Lima y Oporto).

• Aplausse. (18 videos).

During one year I ask different artists, directors and choreographers to let me appear in the moment of the applause bowing with the performers as if I were one of them. This sequence is composed by 18 actions recorded in video. In all all of them I always wear a yellow t-shirt in order to be recognized very quickly in the video-actions, in order to underline the action.
These actions have been made in different cities and theaters around Spain, Portugal and Perú while I was touring and working with other projects (Valencia, Granollers, Terrassa, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Donosti-San Sebastián. Lima y Oporto).

Fotograma. Aplauso. Arden-Ausades.

Fotograma. Aplauso: Albena-Tanttaka.

Fotograma. Aplauso: Colectivo 96º.

Fotograma. Aplauso: Jorge Andrade.

Fotograma.Aplauso. David Espinosa.

Fotograma. Aplauso: Bambalina.

Fotograma. Aplauso: L'Hongaresa de Teatre.

Fotograma. Aplauso: Valentina Pacheco.

Fotograma. Aplauso: El Pont Flotant.

Fotograma.Aplauso: Bramant Teatre.

Fotograma. Aplauso: Practicable.

Fotograma. Aplauso: Massimo Furlan.

Fotograma. Aplauso: La Sonrisa de Caín.

Fotograma. Aplauso: Copia Izquierda.

Fotograma. Aplauso: El canto de la cabra.

Fotograma. Aplauso: Pilar Gómez

Fotograma. Aplauso: Antonio Díaz Zamora

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Video-letters to Mr. Werner Herzog


Este vídeo  consiste en una serie de charlas de unos cinco minutos cada uno aproximadamente. En marzo del 2009 me marco como objetivo realizar la acción de los aplausos en la ópera Parsifal de Richard Wagner que se representará en el Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía de Valencia. El director escénico será el cineasta Werner Herzog. Mi intención era contactar con Werner Herzog antes de que llegara a Valencia e iniciara los ensayos, para contarle mi propuesta y ver si era posible realizar la acción el día del estreno. Era consciente de que habría que salvar todos los problemas que seguramente la institución, como productora del espectáculo pondría para que yo pudiera estar en los aplausos. De hecho ya había tenido problemas en Oporto con el Teatro Nacional Sao Joao de Portugal. Así que realizo una video-carta en la que le explico el proyecto que estoy realizando y le pido si es posible salir a saludar en la ópera Parsifal que dirigirá en Valencia. Werner Herzog nunca contesta, pero yo sigo realizando hasta 5 videocartas en las que le voy contando el desarrollo del proyecto y lanzando nuevas propuestas inciando así una diálogo sin interlocutor. 

This sequence consists in a serie of 6 vídeos-letters  lasting about  5 minutes  long each one. In march 2009 Werner Herzog, the german film maker had to come to Valencia to conduct the opera Parsifal in Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía. He was the stage director. My intention was to contact Werner Herzog before he came to Valencia and talk to him about my proposal and ask him if I could be in the bowing moment the opening day of Parsifal. I knew I had to save all the problems that surely the institution would find in my proposal. In fact I had some problem with the producer director of  Teatro Nacional Sao Joao do Porto in Portugal. For that reason I make the first video-letter in wich I explain the project. I ask him to be able to make the action in the opera Parsifal the opening day. Werner Herzog never answers, so I make up 5 more video-letters in with I will explain the development of the project and treat the german director as a kind of mentor.

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39 minutes clapping

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texts and images

Translation into English of the text of the Video-trailer

“Thank you very much” is not a show but the applause of a show. The applause of the opera play Otello by Verdi that was represented the 30th of June of 1991 at the Staatsoper in Viena.
The part of the main character was played by Placido Domingo.
The applause lasted one hour and twenty minutes.
According to the 2002 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records, the applause lasted 80 minutes with 101 curtain calls thus being the longest applause according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Imagine a film 80 minutes long. Imagine yourself applauding during the films entirety. Imagine yourself applauding during AIR PLANE!
Imagine yourself applauding during BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Imagine yourself applauding during two episodes of LOST. Imagine yourself applauding during the documentary ROUND THE WORLD IN 80 MINUTES. If you were to applaud during the film MATRIX, you would be applauding until the scene where Morpheus breaks the wall with his head into a filthy toilet facing agent Smith and giving Neo the opportunity to escape.

If you were to applaud during SOME LIKE IT HOT, you would be applauding until Marilyn kisses Tony Curtis for the first time at the ship she thinks belongs to the unruly young man who is in fact a multimillionaire who is trying to make out with Jack Lemmon.

If you were to applaud during the film THE LORD OF THE RING – THE COMMUNITY you would be aplauding until the scene where Boromir, the first born child of Gondor, Denethor II and the Finduilas of Dol Amroth, find the broken sword that cut the ring from Sauron’s finger.
If you were to applaud during the film THE LORD OF THE RING – THE TWO TOWERS, you would be applauding until the moment Theoden, King of Rojan, the son of Thengel and Morwen has just been set free from the spell that his adviser Griman, a faithful follower of Saruman, had put on him. The King is about to kill him but Aragon stops him saying: “Don’t my lord, don’t. Let him go, you have enough blood in your account”.

The main performer of this piece is Vicente Arlandis. According to Vicente Arlandis, this is Vicente Arlandis: (If someone is not interested in the figure of Vicente Arlandis, this is the moment to stretch your legs, have a cigarette or go to the toilet).
Vinente Arlandis Recuerda (Alcoi, 25th of August. 1976) is a Spanish performer and choreographer. In the year 2001 he founded the company “LOS QUE QUEDAN” together with his partner Sandra Gomez with whom he has been working with until today in Valencia.

Biography and career.

Vicente Arlandis was born in Alcoi (Alicante) to Vicente Arlandiz, a toy factory worker and to Dolores recuerda Lara, a doll sewer and housewife.

To his family, he is known as “the artist” due to his love of the world of Art and Stage. In 1986 he enrolled into type writing classes where he received his diploma with 286 keystrokes per minute. Since he was very young he had problems with his first surname Arlandis. It was often misunderstood with Alrlandiz, Arnandis, Armendis, Arcandis, Hernandez, etc. At the age of 28 he realized it was a common problem in his family. At present, after years of trying to rectify the problem; his younger sister and father have the surname Arlandiz instead of Arlandis in their I.D. cards. This is an error that has divided the family, at least in legal registration terms.

In 1988 he started high school where he met his first girlfriend Carolina Gisbert. They had a short relationship and after three months of happiness she left him for another boy who was two years older than Vicente.

In 1994 his father was unjustly accused and jailed for murder and robbery, a fact that marked Vicente deeply. That same year he began his studies at the ESAD (Drama School of Valencia) where he met Esther Mayo with whom he would live four and a half years.

Upon completion of his studies in 2000, he met Sandra Gomez de la Torre with whom he has been living with ever since.
In 1985, together with his cousins, Jose Recuerda, Elvira recuerda and his sister Eva Vanesa Arlandiz, he won third prize on the Payback Contest of his town Ibi thanks to his performance of the song “Adelita” (by Nat King Cole).
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